Thursday, May 3, 2007

Marion McCammond Award

Hi everyone! Tonight I attended a Recognition Banquet for the Wisconsin Union (the student union at UW). I received an award that is presented annually to a UW Madison Student of Color for service to the University community. From what they tell me it is a very prestigous award and very stiff competition every year. This year, it was so competitive that they gave it to me and an undergraduate student. I was the only graduate student recognized at the reception!! I wore a killer black dress; felt good to be out of "mommy" mode for a few hours.

This award is also good to get at the culmination of my diversity work at the UW. I think I will be going to work at one job by mid July. Yes, I said one job. For the first time since I have been here at UW I will be working less than 20 hours a week at one job, at Blue Bus Clinic. I love diversity work so much that is has become a distraction to my progress in my research. To remedy that, I have chosen this path and I am happy with it. We will be moving into Eagle Heights (student housing) in July. We are very excited about that! David says now we can walk or take the bus to the Union Terrace and drink beer. HA.

Oh, by the way, my award included a Lifetime Wisconsin Union Membership and a cash award! AWESOME!!!


Katie said...

Congratulations Ida, and you definitely deserved this award. I hope that somebody good takes your place up in 408, although they've got some big shoes to fill (what are you, a size 4?)

Promise me that you'll keep in touch though! I might have to move to Eagle Heights just to hang out with you once in a while!

John Lovell said...

Congratulations! Marion McCammond was my dearly loved aunt.